Thursday, December 11, 2008


So yesturday was the first day my kids went to daycare. It was only for one day but it was still tuff. I had training for work and did not have a sitter so I did some calling around and found a daycare. I know the lady who runs it so I was comfortable with the fact that my kids were going t there. Then my mom called me at 4:30 in the morning freaking out that they were going to be there all day and not know anyone. So of course I get paniked. So my mom (Who by the way is the GREATEST) came up and watched them for part of the day so they weren't there to long. Thanks MOM. So when I picked up the kids Chevelle had had an accident. She has now been potty trained 3 Weeks. Thanks to GRANDMA (told you she is the greatest). And the daycare put a diaper on her. Well I packed extra panties so I don't know why they did that but Chevelle had it in her mind that she wants to wear diapers now. That she is a baby. So I told her I was going to take away the toy that she earned from going potty like a big girl. So she turned to me and said "take my toys away all of them right now!" At this point I thought oh great this is not good. Well needless to say we got home things calmed down and she is back in big girl panties. So needless to say I'm so glad I don't have to put them in daycare everyday.

1 comment:

Bennett Family said...

OH man...I am so sorry. I bet cha it is harder on your than them. You are so strong. Just remember you are a great mommy!